Electric Vehicle Containment Unit, the first mobile solution for cooling and firefighting.

The Electric Vehicle Containment Unit (EVCU) is the first mobile soloution for cooling and firefighting whilst on the move with its unique onboard water supply and suppression system. Designed and developed by experts in firefighting, engineering and recovery industry.

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Our Electric Vehicle Containment Unit (EVCU) - Contact us today to learn more.

The EVCU designed for a multitude of agencies.

The Electric Vehicle Containment Unit (patent protected in 150 Countries) can be easily carried by a multitude of agencies including recovery operators, fire services, police, highways departments and many more.

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Our Electric Vehicle Containment Unit (EVCU) - Contact us today to learn more.

It is expected by 2032 their will be 23 million electric and hybrid cars in the UK.

Putting out an electric vehicle fire demands large amounts of water, around 1,125 litres a minute and can take over an hour totalling 67500 litres of water. In some cases crews have been on scene for over 4 hours. Discover how the EVCU could help change this!

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Our Electric Vehicle Containment Unit (EVCU) - Contact us today to learn more.

Fire Suppression System

The EVCU does not rely on submersion tactics, instead with its unique onboard water supply and suppression system it will suppress fire growth and development.

Onboard Water Supply

With a total of 3 built in water tanks, 2 under floor and one header tank, 1800 litres of water becomes 3 million litres of steam. Therefore suppressing fire growth and development.

Clever Design

Our Electric Vehicle Containment Unit, is specially designed and developed to remove electric cars from the road quickly and safely - even when they're still burning

Fire containers are endorsed by Insurance underwriters

Alan Wilkins Bsc.(Hons), LLM

Chief Executive Officer

Mercari Risk

“I consider the products and patented methodology employed by Fire Containers to be an important part of an overall risk management strategy for businesses which handle Li-on batteries in any form. The fire Containers technology is robust, practicable and based on proven science, and the many years of operational experience Neil Pedersen has from his years at the Fire & Rescue service.”

Welcome to Fire Containers Ltd – home of the Electric Vehicle Containment Unit (EVCU) – Patent protected in 150 countries.

The growth of Electric Vehicles (EV’s) globally cannot be ignored but the subsequent side effect of this rise is the impact on emergency responders and other agencies being able to effectively deal with EV incidents once they occur.

Electric Vehicle Containment Unit video

Emergency responders globally are now struggling with the rise in numbers of EV incidents due to the complex effects of Lithium-Ion batteries either on fire or due to the potential for thermal runaway. This is why Fire Containers Ltd has been established – To help emergency responders and other agencies in dealing with EV incidents following fire or vehicle collisions.

The global growth of Electric Vehicles

Electric car sales neared 14 million in 2023, 95% of which were in China, Europe and the United States. Almost 14 million new electric cars were registered globally in 2023, bringing their total number on the roads to 40 million.

Electric cars accounted for around 18% of all cars sold in 2023, up from 14% in 2022 and only 2% 5 years earlier, in 2018. These trends indicate that growth remains robust as electric car markets mature.


While sales of electric cars are increasing globally, they remain significantly concentrated in just a few major markets. In 2023, just under 60% of new electric car registrations were in China, just under 25% in Europe and 10% in the United States – corresponding to nearly 95% of global electric car sales combined.


Electric car sales remained strong in the first quarter of 2024, surpassing those of the same period in 2023 by around 25% to reach more than 3 million. In 2023, the number of available models for electric cars increased 15% year-on-year to nearly 590 but based on recent original equipment manufacturer (OEM) announcements, the number of new electric car models could reach 1000 by 2028.


It is predicted that EV sales will be between 62% and 86% of total sales globally by 2030. Compare this to the 18% in 2023.

The Electric Vehicle Containment Units (EVCU) can assist multiple organisations including the Emergency services, Recovery operators, Vehicle manufacturers, Insurance companies, Waste management organisations, Recycling centres, Highways agencies and global logistical chains to name a few.

We have designed and developed the world’s first patent protected Electric Vehicle Containment Unit (EVCU) with a built-in water supply which recirculates water for continual cooling and fire suppression even during transit – Click here for more details.

The main difference between the EVCU and other solutions is this is not a submersion unit as major vehicle manufacturers state their batteries should NOT be submerged in water as this can initiate or accelerate thermal runaway. In addition, submersion tactics creates huge amounts of contaminated water. The EVCU utilises the principal of water turning to steam (expansion ratio) to suppress fire development around the vehicle or to continually cool battery compartments to help prevent thermal runaway from developing within the battery compartment.

Please get in touch with us if you would like to talk to one of the team about our EVCU or if you would like further information. Thank you for visiting Fire Containers Ltd.

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Based in the Midlands

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+0044 7760 168767

Designed & Developed

By Industry experts

Fire Containers Ltd. are proud to have designed and developed the Electric Vehicle Containment Unit - EVCU (patent protected). The first mobile solution for cooling and firefighting whilst on the move with its unique onboard water supply and suppression system.

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